The Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, Matti Maasikas, said that hundreds of billions of euros or dollars are likely needed to rebuild Ukraine.
He stated this at the "Media Center Ukraina."
"I know that the Ukrainian government is working hard on a recovery plan with the National Recovery Council. He said that the needs are likely to be estimated at hundreds of billions of euros or dollars."
Maasikas added that Ukraine's international partners have just started to discuss how to raise these funds and manage them in cooperation with Ukraine. There must be strong participation from Ukraine.
"No one wants or can decide better than you what exactly this money will be needed for," - said the EU ambassador.
He added that more technical and financial issues are currently being discussed.
Another well-received political idea suggested by President Zelenskyy is about partnership. It means that the government, municipality, or even a large company from another country can contribute to the Ukrainian fund to rebuild a particular municipality. This would give more sense of involvement and help donators understand and feel better what they are doing," -Maasikas said.
He noted that such "brotherhood" partnership forms have yet to be designed.
Within more than three months, Ukraine's partners have provided more than $ 7bn in financial assistance to our country.