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Ukraine expects IAEA mission to refute Russian "dirty bomb" fake – SNRIU

The Ukrainian party invited experts for additional inspections of nuclear facilities.

Ukraine expects IAEA mission to refute Russian "dirty bomb" fake – SNRIU
Acting Chief State Nuclear and Radiation Safety Inspector of Ukraine Oleh Korikov
Photo: Anna Steshenko

Ukraine expects the arrival of the IAEA mission to refute the fake of the Russian occupiers about the "dirty bomb". The visit of the mission will take place soon, acting SNRIU (State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine) Chairman and Chief State Inspector for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Oleh Korikov announced at a press conference.

"There is a fake about the alleged "dirty bomb". I would like to note that the IAEA has already made a statement and refuted this fake... Two enterprises that appear in these statements are the objects of annual visits of the IAEA. They are under the Agency's safeguards. And the latest inspection of these facilities took place a month ago. The relevant results of this inspection are satisfactory and no undeclared activities were detected. There is nothing that does not coincide with the reports provided by Ukraine to the IAEA," he said.

Korikov said that the Ukrainian side has already invited the IAEA mission for additional inspections of nuclear facilities.

"It will happen shortly. This has already been settled... Shortly, the mission will arrive and make a report," he added.

Korikov stressed that the Ukrainian party is open to inspections and all processes are transparent.

"Ukraine fulfils its obligations under the Agreement on Non-Proliferation Safeguards and Additional Protocol. According to them, Ukraine informs the IAEA about our nuclear material, our intentions regarding nuclear material, and about the technologies we use at radiation hazardous facilities that are also under safeguards. We are open to IAEA visits, additional access is provided. And unannounced inspections are also conducted. A register of radiation waste and ionizing radiation sources available to the IAEA is maintained. Any operation with nuclear material, change of balance zone - all this is reported. From the very beginning, the intention is reported, and then the actual operation. The IAEA regularly visits Ukraine in this regard. As for nuclear facilities, i.e. nuclear power plants, an online system of monitoring the state of nuclear material and the presence of seals has been introduced. Therefore, there is no unauthorized access to these areas. The signal about this is sent to the IAEA headquarters. Thus, our compliance with the Agreement is monitored. And there are no misunderstandings," he stressed.

A "dirty bomb" is an explosive device consisting of a container with a radioactive isotope and an explosive charge. When the charge detonates, the container with isotopes is destroyed and a shock wave disperses the radioactive substance over a large area.

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