Defence Minister Oleksiy Reznikov has said that the analysis of the current military procurement system has shown both its individual advantages and significant disadvantages.
"The audit showed that the procurement and control system needs to be changed. It was the audit that accelerated the process of reorganizing the procurement system in logistics and led to personnel decisions regarding persons whose integrity was in reasonable doubt. We are carrying out the cleansing at the same time as repelling the enemy. Corrupt officials will not be able to hide behind the war. I personally and the team as a whole have drawn conclusions from the story that caused a public outcry. We were not open enough, so we were unable to explain the results of our work that meet the public demand. We did not create sufficient mechanisms to guarantee trust. This is a mistake that will be corrected," Reznikov said on Facebook.
According to him, the analysis of the current procurement system during the active phase of the war showed both some advantages and significant disadvantages. The system should be improved.
"We had very meaningful discussions in two parliamentary committees and received recommendations from MPs. I supported the initiative of MPs to find a way to open up some defence procurement during the war for proper control over public finances. We agreed to return public control over the procurement of material, fuel and lubricants, and food, taking into account the restrictions of martial law," Reznikov added.
The minister instructed the ministry to analyse prices and the process of their formation; reduce the term of contracts with suppliers; develop new approaches that will include mechanisms of transparency and accountability, transition to menus (rations) to preserve food diversity, publication of prices, etc.