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Roman Kostenko: Command system unchanged after replacing Zaluzhnyy with Syrskyy

It is still necessary to mobilise 250,000 to maintain the existing balance.

Roman Kostenko: Command system unchanged after replacing Zaluzhnyy with Syrskyy
Roman Kostenko
Photo: Max Trebukhov

The command's management system has not changed since Valeriy Zaluzhnyy's team was replaced by Oleksandr Syrskyy's. But 250,000 people still need to be mobilised to maintain the existing balance.

This was stated in an interview with by Roman Kostenko, MP from the Voice faction, Secretary of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defence and Intelligence.

"The army is still under manual control," Kostenko said.

In his opinion, the audit and mobilisation through the search for internal reserves did not solve the problem. Moreover, it certainly did not improve the combat capability of the units.

"If we plan not to change anything in the army, we still need to mobilise 250,000 people. To keep the balance as it is," the MP warns.

In his opinion, not only a serious information campaign, financial and social guarantees are needed to motivate people to mobilise. We also need to recruit the children of officials and wealthy people.

Overall, Kostenko does not believe that the next few months and the whole of 2024 will be critical or decisive in the war. Although Western partners are increasingly talking about negotiations and freezing the conflict. But they should not only supply weapons steadily, but also use their air defence systems to shoot down enemy missiles flying at Ukrainian infrastructure, the MP says.

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