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Syrskyy: “We are working to increase period of basic combined arms training”

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine held a meeting with the participation of combat brigade commanders and heads of training centres. 

Syrskyy: “We are working to increase period of basic combined arms training”
Syrskyy held a meeting with the military leadership
Photo: General Staff

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyy held a working meeting on this issue with the participation of heads of military command and control bodies in charge of training, as well as combat brigade commanders and heads of training centres.

This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

"High-quality training is one of the main factors in saving the lives of Ukrainian soldiers. We are making every effort to do so," Syrskyy said.

He said that the meeting discussed problematic issues affecting the quality of training of servicemen and developed ways to solve them, as well as considered ways to improve training programmes.

"Instructors play a key role in the quality of training. Therefore, we pay maximum attention to attracting motivated instructors with combat experience. We are also considering the possibility of establishing a School of Instructors, which will be the main and only source of well-trained instructors," said Syrskyy.

"We are working to extend the period of basic general military training. The relevant project will be launched in October-November this year," the Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief added. 

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