The Russian occupiers called the war in Ukraine a "special operation" and planned to finish it in three days. Instead, Russian troops have been suffering heavy losses for the second week in a row. As a result, they no longer believe that they will take over at least one city from the mandatory list.
The SSU intercepted a conversation between OMON soldiers (OMON - Special Purpose Mobile Unit) discussing the situation near Hostomel.
"All of us were in the same column: Krasnoyarsk group first, our group second, after group there was a group from Kemerovo, after them, there was SOBR of Kemerovo (SOBR - Special Rapid Response Unit). The group from Krasnoyarsk was smashed with tanks and mortars. Our group was defeated. The group from Kemerovo managed to retreat and escape. But they also have one cargo 200 (killed in action) and three cargo 300 (wounded in action). Nothing at all is known about our group. "Nobody knows what our losses are," the intercepted conversation reads.
We should recall that, during the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, from 24 February to 3 March 2022, the aggressor lost about 9000 military personnel.
According to Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Irina Venediktova, Russia still refuses to take away the bodies of its soldiers.