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Reporting on destruction of Russian targets now available in Army+ app

100 units have started reporting enemy hits to Army+. There are plans to extend digital reporting to all units of the Defence Forces. 

Reporting on destruction of Russian targets now available in Army+ app
Photo: Defence Ministry

A report on the destruction of enemy targets has been launched in the Army+ app for the military. Confirmation of damage or destruction is made in the DELTA combat system, the Ministry of Defence reports.

The first 100 units with a high level of DELTA integration have started reporting. The new reporting form will digitise and streamline the daily submission of data on the results of military operations in the army.

The report on the previous day's casualties is submitted to Army+ by commanders or their subordinates once a day. Soldiers must be logged in to the DELTA combat system and the Army+ app. 

The data is checked by analysts of the Situation Centre of the Ministry of Defence. A digitised analytical report will be available to the military's highest command. 

Paper reporting is still available. However, it is on the basis of the digital damage report that the Army+ system will be used to submit a report for reward for destroyed equipment in a quick and convenient way.

"This is a big step in creating up-to-date and transparent analytics of military operations. The launch of digital damage reports allows the Armed Forces and the National Guard to transmit objective information about enemy losses without delay. Thanks to the interaction between Army+ and DELTA, we ensure accurate accounting and reliability of information. Data transparency will allow us to make decisions based on facts, not assumptions. Digitalisation of combat operations management is the basis of modern warfare, when it is important to act faster and more efficiently than the enemy," explains Kateryna Chernohorenko, Deputy Minister for Digitalisation.

The units record destroyed or damaged objects on their own secure layers in the DELTA system, which has been put into operation in the Defence Forces and has successfully passed the NATO standards for information security. With DELTA, targets are added to Army+ automatically.

Information about the type of equipment and other parameters are automatically pulled up using a QR code generated in DELTA. You can add either one individual object or a group of them at once. This speeds up the process and makes it more convenient. Army+ does not store data about the objects, and the generated report is deleted after signing and sent in encrypted form to the Situation Centre of the Ministry of Defence.

The daily submission of damage reports by military units was approved in Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 63, which the government adopted on 21 January. At the first stage, feedback is collected and the reporting process itself is analysed.

Units that were not included in the list of the first to report to Army+ but wish to join can contact the DELTA support service or Army+. There are plans to extend digital reporting to all units of the Defence Forces.

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