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Prystayko outlines conditions to new Normandy Four summit

The minister noted that it is necessary to stop shooting for Ukrainian soldiers not to get killed.

Prystayko outlines conditions to new Normandy Four summit
Vadym Prystayko
Photo: Ukrinform

The leaders of the Normandy Four countries will not meet until Ukraine implements all seven clauses of the communique issued at the Paris summit, Foreign Minister Vadym Prystayko has said in an interview with Ukrayina 24 TV.

“We should not aim for ‘April’ and that is it. Our task is to implement all seven clauses,” he said.

In particular, the minister said that it is necessary to stop shooting for Ukrainian soldiers not to get killed. He noted that more soldiers were killed in Donbas this January than during the same month last year.

According to Prystayko, the four leaders will not meet until parliament passes the bill “on advanced decentralization” instead of amendments to the constitution. He added that the bill may only be considered after parliament considers around 3,000 amendments to the land bill, which defers a Normandy meeting.

On 10 February, Prystayko said that he could not see any preparations for a possible meeting of the Normandy Four.

At the Paris summit, the four presidents agreed to hold the next meeting in Berlin in April. On 15 February, French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed the arrangement. Two days later Russian presidential secretary Dmitry Peskov said that it was not clear when the meeting is going to take place.

On 26 February, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the new summit may take place after the decisions of the previous summit are implemented, in particular after Ukraine registers a “special status of Donbas” in law.

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