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RF Automatically Extends Contracts for its Contracted Soldiers without Notice, Threatens with Apprehension for Declining - SSU

In one of the conversations, intercepted by the SSU, the occupant has been complaining to his wife that something like this has not happened even in Chechnya.

RF Automatically Extends Contracts for its Contracted Soldiers without Notice, Threatens with Apprehension for Declining - SSU

Russia is deceiving its contracted soldiers to keep them at war in Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine has reported, based on the intercepted conversations by the occupants.

The occupants are complaining in the conversations with their dear ones that the rf automatically extends their contracts, which have been over since before the start of the military actions. In the conversation the SSU has intercepted, an occupant tells how he has managed to sign a report for leaving before the beginning of February, but the soldier has been sent to the “trainings” and promised that they would be over by February 20. 

“Instead, it is already the end of March, and the combatant is in Ukraine, at a war that [his - tr.] leadership stubbornly calls “a special operation,” note in the SSU.

In his phone call, the enemy says to his wife, “Call the moskow commandant’s office, make sure: the contract is being extended in case of war, and this is not a war, this is a special operation”.

When soldiers protest against the automatic extension of their contracts and want to decline fighting, they are being threatened with apprehension for deserting.

“You will either return as cargo 200, or as cargo 300, or with seven to twelve [years in prison - ed.],” the russian contractor cites the words of his commander.

In the conversation with his wife, the occupant complaints that something like this has not happened even in Chechnya. He tells how the soldiers of the rf are ready to riot, leaving the service on their own. “When we arrive to Belarus, I will just buy the train ticket myself, and go home on my own”.

“And while the russians are looking for a way not to fight in Ukraine, we are giving them a hint: you can surrender,” add in the SSU.

Earlier, the SSU has reported that a russian soldier has surrendered because he has been afraid that he would be killed by his own. According to his words, the commanders have drilled it into the soldiers, that Ukraine has been captured by the nationalist-socialist bands who are destroying their citizens, which is why Ukrainians need to be immediately “freed”. After the invasion, the russian occupant has been enlightened and seen a completely different picture.

To motivate the combatants of the “LNR” to fight against Ukraine, the deputies of the Derzhduma have arrived to Luhansk, led by the secretary of the CC of KPRF. 

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