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ATO update: Border guard, four military wounded

The antiterrorist operation (ATO) troops have registered 79 attacks over 24 hours.

ATO update: Border guard, four military wounded

Separatist militants in Donbas on Monday night fired small arms and grenade launchers at the Stanytsya Luhanska checkpoint. One of the guards got wounded by shrapnel.

"The soldier was hospitalized, there is no threat to his life," the spokesman for the State Border Service, Oleh Slobodyan, said on Facebook.

He also said that the Berezove checkpoint was shelled from 152-mm self-propelled guns.

In the meantime, the press service of the Luhansk regional administration said that four soldiers wounded near Stanytsya Luhanska were rushed to a hospital. Also, a low-pressure gas pipeline was damaged. Repair works are underway.

On 18 occasions, Ukrainian troops had to return fire.

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