Ukrainians who use the Russian social networks that have fallen under the sanctions will not be pursued for bypassing the blockade, says head of the information security service of the National Security and Defense Council, Valentyn Petrov.
"We are not to influence the content, and even if some user bypasses the block, it's OK. Users will not be punished in any way, but we will reduce the audience of Russian sites," Petrov said on 1+1 TV channel on 17 May.
The decision of the National Security and Defense Council, which President Petro Poroshenko put into effect on 16 May, expanded the list of individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation, against whom sanctions were imposed. The expanded list includes 1,228 individuals and 468 legal entities. In particular, the access to social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, as well as to and Yandex will be banned in Ukraine.