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Ombudsman says russians misreated female Ukrainian prisoners of war

Russians cut their hair and forced them to undress and squat.

Ombudsman says russians misreated female Ukrainian prisoners of war
Militaries, after being released
Photo: Facebook Liudmila Denisova

Among the 86 militaries released after being held captive by russians there were women whom they tortured and treated poorly.

Liudmila Denisova reported this on her Facebook page.

"The russians took women to Belarus and then to a pre-trial detention center in Briansk, Russia, where the women were tortured and threatened. The russian occupiers made the prisoners get undressed in the presence of men. The russians forced them to squat, cut their hair, and constantly interrogated, trying to break morally - says the statement.

The russians forced some of the women to take part in the filming of propaganda stories and demanded they speak russian.

Such actions of the russian federation violate Article 13 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. This Article emphasizes that the prisoners of war must be humanely treated. They must always be protected, particularly from acts of violence or intimidation and public insults and curiosity.

"I appeal to the UN Commission on Investigation of Human Rights Violations during Russia's Invasion of Ukraine and the expert mission set up under the Moscow Mechanism by OSCE participating states to consider these violations of the rights of Ukrainian prisoners of war," - said Liudmila Denisova.

Militaries, after being released

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