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KIIS: 81% of Ukrainians oppose elections in wartime

In all regions, respondents have a negative attitude towards elections during wartime. 

81% of the polled Ukrainians do not support holding elections during the war and believe that they should be held after it ends. 16% support holding elections despite the war.

3% of respondents found it difficult to express their opinion. This is stated in a survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology on 30 September-30 October. 

Photo: KIIS

"In all regions of Ukraine, the majority of the population is against holding elections during the war," the survey says. 

Photo: KIIS

A total of 2007 respondents living in all regions of Ukraine (except Crimea) were interviewed by computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers (with random generation of phone numbers and subsequent statistical weighting). The survey was conducted with adult citizens of Ukraine (aged 18 and older) who at the time of the survey resided in Ukraine (within the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities until 24 February 2022). Residents of the temporarily occupied territories could not be included in the sample, and the survey was not conducted with citizens abroad.

Formally, the statistical error of such a sample (with a probability of 0.95 and taking into account the design effect of 1.1) did not exceed 2.4% for indicators close to 50%, 2.1% for indicators close to 25%, 1.5% for indicators close to 10%, and 1.1% for indicators close to 5%.

The parliamentary elections would have been held on 29 October if the war hadn’t been started. Presidential elections would have been held in March 2024. 

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