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USA imposes sanctions on Russia: almost 400 people, firms are on list

The blacklist includes individuals and legal entities associated with the Russian fuel and energy, metallurgical and financial sectors.

USA imposes sanctions on Russia: almost 400 people, firms are on list
Photo: Nasha Niva

The US Treasury announced a new package of sanctions against Russia. The blacklist includes nearly 400 individuals and legal entities associated with the Russian fuel and energy and metallurgical sectors, the financial sector, and the supply of goods to circumvent sanctions for the Russian military-industrial complex.

This is stated on the website of the US Treasury Department.

‘Russia has turned its economy into a tool in the service of the Kremlin's military-industrial complex. Today's actions by the Treasury Department continue to fulfil the commitments made by President Biden and his G7 colleagues to disrupt Russia's military-industrial base supply chain and payment channels,’ said Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo.

In particular, the following companies were sanctioned: Ekropromstroy LLC, Arctic LNG-2 LLC, Mezhregionstroy LLC, and Yakutsk Fuel and Energy Company PJSC.

The sanctions are also imposed on the largest coal exporters from Russia, such as SDS Ugol, Mechel Mining Management Company, Stroyservice JSC and subsidiaries of Rosatom.

The sanctions lists include Russian military research institutes, manufacturers of unmanned aerial vehicles and electronics, as well as companies serving the needs of the Russian military-industrial complex, together with their owners and management.

Companies from the UAE, Hong Kong, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and China that have been supplying microchips to Russia in circumvention of the sanctions are also subject to the sanctions. 

In addition, the sanctions apply to networks of entities involved in the supply of the Russian military-industrial complex, including participants in the scheme to supply Western components to a fighter jet manufacturer.

‘The Treasury Department is targeting more than 60 Russian technology and defence companies that are critical to the maintenance and development of the Russian defence industry. These sanctions target Russia's defence industry while protecting Russian citizens‘ access to critical telecommunications and other digital technologies,’ the statement added.

The US is also tightening export controls to Russia and Belarus and restricting access to computer numerical control (CNC) software for companies in these countries. 

More than 130 companies from Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, the UAE, Kazakhstan and other countries that may have been circumventing sanctions have been added to the list of companies subject to strict export licensing requirements.

The US Treasury Department stressed that foreign financial institutions that conduct transactions or provide any services related to Russia's military-industrial base risk being sanctioned by OFAC.

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