Kyiv's Pecherskyy district court has upheld an appeal by the Kyiv prosecutor's office to place former Health Minister Rayisa Bohatyryova and arrest her for 60 days. She can be bailed out for 6m hryvnyas, an correspondent has said.
MP Vadym Novynskyy can bail her out, former Justice Minister Olena Lukash, who attended the court hearing, said.
Bohatyryova, who fled from Ukraine five years ago, came back on 27 August after Kyiv's Holosiyivskyy district court had obliged the Prosecutor-General's Office to close the case against her.
She was charged with embezzlement of 63.5m hryvnyas during the purchase of significantly overpriced immunobiological medicines, medical devices and equipment in 2011-2013, as well as embezzlement of 279m hryvnyas, which was used in the first half of 2013 to purchase insulin from Indar.